Spirited Arts 2023 Competition

Veganism in Education (VinE) partnered with the Animals Interfaith Alliance (AIA) and the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE) on the following theme:
Spirited Arts competition
ALL GOD'S CREATURES? - click to read more

Do animals belong to God? Are they part of a divine plan? Do animals have souls? The beauty and sheer awesomeness of non-human animals with whom we share planet Earth is celebrated in many of the world’s religions. Some worldviews see all living beings as interconnected, yet others emphasise the separateness and superiority of humans over other animals. Animals play a huge part in all our lives, whether we realise or not. How humans interact with other animals and the natural world impacts on all living beings and the planet. This theme invites exploration of ideas and beliefs about non-human animals, challenging learners to engage thoughtfully with scripture, philosophy, and scientific enquiry to write an inspiring passage to accompany stunning images. Great work shows originality and flair from deep consideration of the issues.

Our sponsored theme received more than 4,000 entries.  Young people appeared to embrace this theme because it resonated with their own love and respect for animals. Exploring religious and philosophical beliefs concerning our ethical treatment of animals clearly inspired them to produce thought-provoking and creative work.

We were delighted to join NATRE for the final stages of judging.  Peter Egan, a Patron for both VinE and the AIA, selected the 14 winning entries.

NATRE’s Spirited Arts Galleries clearly demonstrate the value of Religious Education for students academic attainment and SMSC development.

We can’t wait to see the entries to our next year’s theme ‘Why Do Animals Matter?’

Video compilation of entries


“I was incredibly impressed with the quality and originality of the artwork, and the profound level of critical thinking demonstrated by the children when exploring religious and non-religious worldviews concerning our relationship with animals. They all deserved to be winners! Going through the entries lifted my spirits; the compassionate, creative and well-thought out responses from children and young people gave me hope for the future.”

Peter Egan

Spirited Arts Gallery 2023

Welcome to a collection of artwork selected from our sponsored theme ‘All God’s Creatures?’. We are so grateful to NATRE for allowing us to share examples of the children’s submissions. With over 4,000 amazing entries, this was an extremely difficult task!

Our sincere thanks to pupils and schools who engaged with our theme, the artwork and accompanying narratives were outstanding and clearly demonstrated the value of Religious Education for academic attainment and SMSC development. We wish we could have included you all!

Enjoy wandering through our gallery, marvel at the young people’s creative artwork and thought provoking narratives behind their work.

Click on photo to read narrative.
*please note some of the text has been edited for clarity.

Artwork Only – No Narratives

Every Species Deserve to Live


Polluting the Seas’


The Last of God’s Creatures

age 13

All God’s Creatures?

age 10

All God’s Creatures?

age 10

All God’s Creatures?

age 10

All God’s Creatures?

age 10

The Lives of Every Creature


All of God’s Creatures

age 7 & 8

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